Sunday, November 18, 2012

This summer 2012 we planted a garden! It was great, we had eggplant, beans, corn, potatoes,peppers,  tomatoes we grew some great varieties like pink brandy wine, and black crim, and san marzano. Doug was thrilled to get some watermelons to grow and these had yellow flesh inside and were very good, and he grew cantaloupes also. We had cilantro, lots of tall sunflowers. My flowers did well also. So here are a few pictures from our garden! Oh and the best plant of all was my huge basil, rosemary and parsley garden!!

Friday, November 9, 2012


This summer the kid were cleaning out the basement and Ammon brought up his record player. So, I got my old records and we introduced records to some of the grandkids! Well, they thought it was great so here's a video of them dancing!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

the pictures that go with the updates!!

In a nut shell..

Here goes, trying to catch up 9 months in 60 seconds or less!!
Halloween was a blast, we had a fun party and the kids did a lot of dancing. We made finger shaped cookies, pizzas that looked like pumpkins, floating hands in punch and spider eggs! Yum!
Thanksgiving was full of fun and yummy food cos that's what Thanksgiving is all about right? We always have turkey and dressing, corn, olives, pickles, cranberry sauce, mashed tatoes, funeral salad, home made rolls the best part besides the turkey....and pies!! Mostly Pumpkin, apple, I have to throw in a lemon merangue cos that's my favorite....
Also on Thanksgiving Ammon turned 18!! Happy Birthday Ammon. Ian also had a b'day on the same day as Ammon, he turned 3!
Christmas was full of fun and crazyness...we played our family game the night before and celebrated
Ari's b'day too, fun family times!
April brought us our #9 grand child, a girl Casey Lou born to Kasha and Nathan..she's a doll!
Ammon went to prom, her'es a picture of him with his best friend Jesse and their dates.
May was sooooo busy....ready?....Ari graduated with her Bachelors in Anthropolagy and History from Utah State....Ammon graduated from Seminary and High School, he also recieved the Allred scholarship which we found out they will hold til he returns from his mission! Yeah!
June turned way too hot for me...we've had 100 degree weather for a few weeks and it's not fun! Makes me wise cracks from my peanut gallery either!!

Drina and Gabe were in the play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. Gabe's first time in a play and he loved it. It was so much fun, lots of great acting and the music was awesome! Good job Drina and Gabe....
July...well, here we are caught up...I will try and do better!

The easy way to eat pasta by Daisy

How to eat pasta by Ian